Cost of Ownership: 

Shared Legal Expenses

He's the one who forces litigation
but he never pays for his own lawyer. 
Former Owner, speaking of the HOA president

At Beaver Ridge, the expense of civil action initiated by the president is borne mostly by other members of the association (known as "OPM"), usually without their knowledge.  It appears that even board members have been misled by the president regarding civil action filed "on their behalf".

Limited personal risk reduces incentive to insure merit or explore alternatives.  As a result, the average owner may find themselves unexpectedly targeted by "the association" or forced to fund legal action which almost certainly would not have been brought had the person(s) bringing the suit been fully accountable for the loss.

Technically, other HOAs could do the same, but Beaver Ridge is different because the leadership is different.  Personal grudges are often pursued with community funds and public resources are misused to bully others.  The threat of litigation (and the cost thereof) is a handy way to keep critics and victims from speaking out. 

Meanwhile, the general membership is routinely deceived by the president's self‑aggrandizing and untruthful communications.  it would appear that facts concerning legal action resulting in a substantial loss of money to the association have been omitted or misrepresented to manipulate owners into false conclusions, meaning that there is no real accountability for decisions that severely impact expense, reputation and marketability. 

Next Issue: Individual Legal Costs
